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                                                    Bug Repellent Plant

Pennyroyal is another famous natural bug repellent and it’s especially effective for battling mosquitoes. Simply planting it outside around your house can discourage them from taking up residence in your yard, and by keeping a vase of fresh Pennyroyal in a room, it can kill any that occupy the area as well as drive potential newcomers away.


By keeping the crushed stems in your pockets during times you’re most likely to be exposed, you can be just about guaranteed you’ll keep the mosquitoes away.

As Pennyroyal is related to the mint family, it can quickly become invasive which means it’s best to plant it in a container or control growth by using a tough border that it can’t penetrate through and spread.

As it can be grown both indoors or out, you may want to grow it in a couple of containers in your home for added protection.

Pennyroyal is frequently used as an insecticide and pest repellent. As a pest repellent, it is used to keep fleas away from household animals as well as on humans to ward off gnats and mosquito's.

Note of caution: The oils of the plant can absorb through your skin and poison you as well, so use caution with this plant and as always, do your research.


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