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A Homemade Healing Salve:  Neosporin-type Substitute
From: Preppers Are We













  *  2 cups olive oil or almond oil
  *  1/4 cup beeswax pastilles
  *  2 Tbsp dried comfrey leaf
  *  2 Tbsp dried plantain leaf (herb-not banana!)
  *  1 Tbsp dried calendula flowers (optional)
  *  1 tsp dried yarrow flowers (optional)
  *  1 tsp dried rosemary leaf (optional)
  *  1 tsp echinacea root (optional)



Infuse the herbs into the olive oil.  There are two ways to do this:

1) You can either combine the herbs and the olive oil in a jar with an airtight lid and leave 3-4 weeks, shaking daily.

2) Heat the herbs and olive oil over the lowest heat possible in a double boiler for 3 hours (super low heat) until the oil is very green.


After infusing the herbs into the olive oil strain the herbs out of the oil by pouring through a cheesecloth or similar strainer.    Let all the oil drip out and then squeeze the herbs to get the remaining oil out.

Discard the herbs.

Heat the infused oil in a double boiler with the beeswax until melted and mixed.
Pour into small tins, glass jars or lip chap tubes and use on bites, stings, cuts, poison ivy, diaper rash or other wounds as needed.


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