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 How to Make a Smoke Bomb

Here is what you need and need to know.



For materials you will need:

-Potassium Nitrate - Can be bought off internet sites like Home science tools, eBay, and at hardware stores as powdered stump remover, (make sure to read the back to make sure it is potassium nitrate!).


-Wax (candle wax, paraffin, wax crayons (for colored smoke), etc.)

-Cardboard Tubes/Aluminum Foil - This is used to contain the mix.

-Cannon fuse- Can be purchased online or at fireworks stands.

Note: If to much air gets to the mix when lit it will burn instead of smoke.


Step 1:

Weigh Chemicals:

Weigh Out the chemicals in this ratio:

Note: Use a scale for measuring, not a measuring cup. This is by weight not volume.

6 parts Potassium Nitrate

4 parts sugar

3 parts wax.

Remember, this ratio is by WEIGHT, not volume!

Mix the Potassium Nitrate and Sugar together until completely mixed.

Put a small amount aside to use as an ignitor for the fuse, you will use this to prime the smoke bomb.

Step 2:

Preparing the Composition:

Next, place the wax in a different container and melt it.

Once completely melted, start slowly adding the nitrate/sugar mix and stir it in to the melted wax.

Step 3:

Making the Smoke Bomb:

Pack the mixture into airtight tubes or aluminum foil.

It is very important that not much air can get to the mix while it is burning or it will burn with a flame instead of smoke.

Once the tube is near full, add the nitrate/sugar powder you set aside to the top of the mix, about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick.

Add a fuse and cover the mix with a tube cap or with aluminum foil.

Now it is ready to light. About an ounce of this mixture will burn for about a minute, so just a little of this will go a very long way. I am able to smoke out my backyard with just a couple ounces of this stuff. After years of playing around with pyrotechnics, this is by far the best smoke formula I have found for making it at home.

Do Your Research, Be Safe. Enjoy.

                                                         Courtesy of, Preppers Are We.

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