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                                                      Making Willow Bark Tea:

Knowing how to make and  use willow bark tea in the wild,

in place of aspirin, can prove handy if your  supplies

run out or you are stranded without your supplies and

develop a fever or an injury.

1 cup Willow Bark (shaved)
8 cups water
1 Tbsp raw honey per cup (optional)
1 tsp lemon juice per cup (optional)
(1/8 cup bark to one cup water)


1. Gather enough small branches to acquire 1 cup of bark shavings.
2. Strip the bark off of the branches into shavings ( the smaller the better)
3. Bring 8 cups of clean water to a boil.
4. Add 1 cup  willow shavings to boiling water.
5. Boil for  10 minutes.
6. Allow to cool slightly.
7. Strain to remove as many shavings as possible. (I personally like to use a  T-Press.)

                                                               Drink immediately.

                                                               Dosage is approximately 1 cup every 

                                                               hour or until fever subsides.

                                                               Note: The more shavings you use to the

                                                               water content, the stronger the solution

                                                               will  be, as well as the side effects, but                                                                with minimal gain in effectiveness.


Note: The main ingredient is

salicylic acid, (bitter tasting),

one of the main ingredients in

early aspirin. Works best when

the solution is warm, not cold.

This is effective at relieving pain

and inflammation, but can cause

an upset stomach.


Caution:   Prolonged use can result in blood thinning

which could lead to excessive bleeding and blood

clotting issues.

Use at your own risk.

As always, do your research.


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