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                  A quick & simple homemade syrup.


Made with just a handful of basic ingredients – WITHOUT high fructose corn syrup + a couple other simple syrup recipes.

Maple syrup. It’s pure and delicious. I love buying local and I love using something that is 100% natural. Though at 10+ dollars a pint, real maple syrup is not always an option for everybody.

The other option for many people is to buy a big plastic jug of “maple flavored syrup” at their local grocery store. Saving yourself a few bucks doesn’t always end up being a good deal though. Have yourself a good look at that jug of syrup. The ingredient label is just gross. Chances are, it looks something like this:


That bit of unhealthy mess is what you are putting in your body. I could break down the ingredients one by one, but does it matter? Anytime you see high fructose corn syrup as a main ingredient you can be certain that this is not something you really should be consuming a whole lot of. I’m definitely not into pouring that unhealthy garbage all over their breakfast.

No need to worry though.


The other option is to make it yourself. You can pretty much guarantee that when you make something at home it will be healthier and cheaper.

Any of the options are a sugar bomb to the system.

Sugar is sugar – pure maple syrup is better for you than the refined sugar in this pancake syrup recipe– but really, it’s all still a lot of sugar that we should use in moderation. As for store bought jugs of “syrup”– read the ingredients and if they look something like the one above, do yourself and your family a favor by throwing that junk out.

This syrup recipe is easy. Combine the sugars, water and butter in a saucepan and lightly boil for a few minutes. Stir in your extract, start with one teaspoon – if you want a little more flavor add an additional 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon more of flavor. Let the syrup cool – it will thicken as it cools down. I make this a day before I need it and store it in the fridge. Throw the syrup in the microwave for a few seconds if the butter hardens up a bit in it. This is definitely a recipe that you should experiment with each time you make it to find your own perfect version. Try different extracts, try subbing turbinado sugar or piloncillo for the sugars, boil longer to thicken it more, add a bit of salt, add some cinnamon, less or more butter – make it your own.

Super simple to make and it’s better and cheaper then the high fructose version. Although nothing beats the flavor of real maple syrup, this make it yourself syrup has an impressive taste.

Prep time:
5 min.

Cook time:
10 min.

Total time:
15 min.

A maple flavored breakfast syrup. Made with plain sugar, brown sugar & water.
Cheaper and no without high fructose corn syrup.

1 cup water
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar, packed
2 tablespoon salted butter (optional)
1 - 1½ teaspoon maple flavoring or vanilla extract

1. In a saucepan over medium heat, bring water, granulated sugar, brown sugar and butter to a boil, stirring often.
2. Continue to boil for 3-4 minutes, stirring often.
3. Remove from heat, stir in maple flavor. Start with 1 teaspoon, taste. Add ¼ - ½ teaspoon if more flavor is desired. Add any additional flavorings or spices (optional).
4. Syrup will thicken as it cools. I store this in a sealed jar in the fridge.

Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Be aware that it may crystallize a little if the container is not completely airtight.

Types of Simple Syrups:
There are several thicknesses or densities of simple syrup and they have different uses. The thickness depending on the ratio of water to sugar used. The one with more sugar will be more syrupy and sweeter.

You can follow the measurements in your recipe's, or use these general guidelines.

Thin Simple Syrup: 3 parts water to 1 part sugar – used to glaze cakes and cookies.

Medium Simple Syrup: 2 parts water to 1 part sugar – used to make sweeten beverages.

Thick or Rich Simple Syrup: 1 part water to 1 part sugar – This is used to make candied fruits and bartenders usually prefer this simple syrup for use in cocktails.

Basic Simple Syrup Recipe:

Cold Water
Granulated Sugar

If you are trying for a white syrup or a syrup you can flavor or color use a low heat setting stirring constantly.

If you want ta syrup for snow cones try this.

2 cups of sugar
1 cup of water
1 package of unsweetened drink mix (kool-aid or other brand), or you can use ½ teaspoon(or to taste) of your favorite extract .
a container to put the syrup in

1. In a medium saucepan, stir together the sugar and water.
2. Bring to a boil, stir until sugar is dissolved while boiling for about 1 minute.
3. Remove pan from heat and stir in flavored drink mix or extract. If using extract start with ½ teaspoon then add more to taste if needed.
4. Allow to cool completely and transfer to container for pouring. Syrup will get thicker as it cools.
5. Prepare shaved ice and pour on top.

As always please do your research and Enjoy.

Note: If you have some maple sap or other tree sap that is used to make syrup, simply boil it down on low heat stirring slowly until it is the consistency you desire and enjoy fresh, all natural syrup.

Author, John Morgan.
Courtesy of, Preppers Are We

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