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The flowers, gathered when fully expanded and carefully dried, give a most agreeable substitute for tea.

Edible Parts:


Leaves – Cooked and eaten (makes a nice saute with onions)
Medicinal Uses:

An infusion of the dried powdered herb is antiseptic.

The leaves make a very pleasant-tasting tea that is mildly astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge and stimulant. It is useful in the treatment of coughs and colds, dysentery and ulceration of the intestines.

The essential oil has been used as a diuretic for infants, as a local application for headaches and for the treatment of flatulence and vomiting.

The flowers are aperient, astringent and tonic. An infusion is beneficial in the treatment of gravel, urinary obstruction and simple dropsy.


A tincture can be made to make dosages easier to administer.

The root can be chewed as a treatment for sore mouths.

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